Hannah Hurford Headshot 

Small Town Girl Ever Grateful for Purdue’s Endless Opportunities

Name: Hannah Hurford

Hometown: Argos, IN

Major & concentration: Agribusiness (Finance)

Minors or certificates: Farm Management

Why did you come to Purdue: For the many opportunities available, an outstanding agriculture program, and the atmosphere and excitement of Big 10 athletics

Favorite Purdue tradition: Den Pop Fridays

Hurford with friend Hurford and friend Taylor

Top three influences at Purdue:

  1. AGEC Advisors: Andy, Chrissie, LeeAnn
  2. Sigma Alpha Sorority
  3. My roommates and friends made along the way

Top five memories of your time at Purdue:

  1. Purdue men’s basketball making it to the National Championship my junior year
  2. Sigma Alpha Bid Days and Big/Little Reveals
  3. Dairy Club Fall Freeze
  4. MANY dinner dates at Dos Amigos with my roommates and sorority sisters
  5. Moonlight Pancakes during Ag Week

Places you have been as a Purdue student:

  • Saugatuck, Michigan (Sigma Alpha Formal)
  • South Bend, Indiana (internships with 1st Source Bank)

Favorite club/organization: Sigma Alpha

Favorite student-led event/initiative: Purdue Ag Week

Favorite Purdue event: Men’s basketball

Favorite social activity: Many tailgates and nights spent in the AGR basement

Favorite place to study: Creighton

Favorite place on campus: Mackey Arena

Favorite thing about CoA: The small community of so many like-minded individuals that makes you feel so at home!

Favorite thing about your major: The amazing advisors that the Ag Econ department has to offer and how versatile my degree will be

Favorite class: AGEC 327 or 330

Favorite professor: Dr. Valerie Kilders

Hurford and soccer team

Coolest project: For AGEC 327, I got to create a marketing plan from scratch for a beef cattle operation and present it to the owner of the operation.

Three biggest accomplishments:

  1. Dean’s List and Semester Honors every semester while at Purdue
  2. Top 5 Outstanding Sophomore
  3. Graduating in 3 years, debt-free

Things on your resume not listed above:

  1. Two incredible internships with 1st Source Bank that will likely lead to my first full-time job
  2. Sigma Alpha’s Director of Academics and Scholarship
  3. Grader/TA for several AGEC classes

Hurford with top 5 awardees

Postgrad employment: 1st Source Bank as Commercial Banking Development Participant.

Career goal: I plan to work as a credit analyst for a large financial institution, specializing in agriculture. 

Advice for underclassmen: Do things that you are passionate about. Among the craziness of college, stay true to yourself and where you came from. Truly soak up and make the most of your four (or maybe three or five) years at Purdue; they may hold some of the best memories of your life.

Biggest takeaway from Purdue: Purdue has blessed me with the opportunity to make connections, memories, and friends that will last a lifetime. I am ever grateful for the education I received in, and out, of the classroom.