Young Professionals Breaking Down Barriers
Written by Madison Hire
Olivia West, a Junior studying Sales and Marketing, had the great opportunity to attend the Beth Forbes #Under30Summit. During this weekend in Detroit, Michigan West had the opportunity to learn about areas such as non-profit and entrepreneurial endeavors. They got to listen to lots of speakers such as Kevin Durant and Serena Williams inspiring them about business decisions and opportunities that they have as young individuals. Attendees from all across the country got to collaborate in workshops and panel discussions. West said, “My favorite speaker was Serena Williams because her strength and resilience have allowed her to be successful. Serena has the heart of a lion and works tirelessly to achieve her goals. She is such an inspiration!” This experience was based around breaking down barriers for diversity and showing young professionals coming into the industry that they have so many opportunities. Even with some of the challenges that society is facing today. “The most interesting thing that I learned at the conference is that diversity is a given, but inclusion is a choice that helps everyone be more successful,” said West.