students share insights from 'tASTE OF ITALY' STUDY ABROAD
Sydney Wheeler (Ag Sales & Marketing; Columbus, IN)
What made you choose to do a Study Abroad? How did you decide on this program over others?
I really wanted to do a Study Abroad in college, but I needed to make sure that it would work with my summer schedule if I wanted to do internships. I decided on the Taste of Italy program because it was only two weeks, would not affect my internship, and it was with a Program Leader that I had known for a while. My roommate was also interested in the opportunity, so I knew that I would have a familiar face.
How did you prepare for this experience?
I learned some key Italian phrases and extensively researched Italian culture to make sure I did not look too much like an American tourist (even though we were always in a group of thirty English-speaking college students). I also attended all the meetings, got my passport, and bought all the necessary things.
What is something that surprised you?
I was surprised at how familiar everything felt. While I was in another country and everyone else around us spoke another language, the cities and shops reminded me of the US. I did not have the culture shock that I was expecting to have.
What was the biggest adjustment you experienced studying abroad?
I usually get motion sick on moving vehicles, so I had to adjust to being on a bus for multiple hours every day or every few days. By the end, I got really good at napping between stops.
How have you grown personally and professionally through this experience?
Personally, I got to experience a lot of firsts while on this trip. Flying to Italy was my first time at an airport and on a plane! I also pushed myself to speak some Italian, even though I felt as if they all judged me for it. Professionally, I learned a lot about the Food Science field and how to interact with people from many different cultures.
When not in class, were you able to travel and explore the area you were located?
Fortunately, we got a lot of time to explore the different cities on our own. We were able to explore the shops, restaurants, and local bars. The time we had outside of the itinerary was the time to get closer with people in the group and form relationships. I met some amazing people there that will be my friends for a long time.
What are some experiences or activities you participated in while abroad that you would consider highlights of your experience?
One of the highlights was visiting the town of Recca, which was on the Mediterranean coast. We had a lot of free time that day to swim in the Sea, climb rocks down the coast, and have a great meal. I was also able to watch the chef create his famous focaccia after lunch. We also got to go to the Vatican and experience St. Peter’s Basilica. It was absolutely beautiful, and I cannot wait to go back and experience it again!
Anything else you would like to include?
I know a lot of people say this but go on a Purdue Study Abroad! It will be so life-changing and give you amazing memories that you can hold onto forever. I was so fortunate to go with scholarship help, so even if it seems too expensive, there are ways for you to be able to get financial assistance.

Taryn Wainscott (Agribusiness Management; Rossville, IN)
What made you choose to do a Study Abroad? How did you decide on this program over others?
I chose to study abroad because of how many professors and other students talked greatly about it in my classes. They talked about how it will make memories that last forever and build friendships and they were absolutely right! I chose this program because I knew I wanted to go with the Agecon department where I shared similarities with the students through my major.
How did you prepare for this experience?
I prepared for this experience by keeping up with the information that the professors were sending out and learning about the country through that way.
What is something that surprised you?
There were some culture differences that surprised me going to a different country, including having to pay to use the restroom! It was also so amazing to think about how old the country was and the history behind it, as our country is so new compared to Italy!
What was the biggest adjustment you experienced studying abroad?
The biggest adjustment that I experienced studying abroad was the culture difference. It wasn’t much of an adjustment, mostly just an interesting observation of so many small differences between our country and Italy. For example, it was very interesting learning so much about how Italy focuses on “slow food” which is the opposite of fast food, and where most, if not all ingredients are local. This is the way most of them lived not just eating out in restaurants, but also in their own homes.
How have you grown personally and professionally through this experience?
My personal and professional growth from this experience came from learning from people who lived differently from me. I enjoyed learning from the farmers about all of their different rules and regulations.
What are some experiences or activities you participated in while abroad that you would consider highlights of your experience?
I loved seeing all the very old architecture and learning about the history of Italy. I also loved going to the farm that was also a cheese making factory and seeing how they had to follow different regulations in their farming than we do in America.
Stephanie Atkinson (Agrifinance; Huntington, IN)
What made you choose to do a Study Abroad? How did you decide on this program over others?
I chose to do study abroad because I loved the idea of getting to travel and truly applying the term “hands on learning.” I also found it extremely beneficial to be completely immersed in another culture to not only challenge myself but excite myself for future study abroad opportunities. I chose this particular program because it was the perfect length where I could enjoy my trip but also be back in the States before I started my summer internship.
How did you prepare for this experience?
I prepared for this experience by reading online and asking others who had left the country about their experiences. I was fortunate enough to have family that has been to Italy so they could give me bits of knowledge that would be beneficial for the duration of the trip. I also made a Pinterest board of different outfits and scenery from Italy so I could look at that and get amped up for my two weeks in Europe.
What is something that surprised you?
What surprised me most was the use of traditional farming that I saw through the duration of the trip. Many of the practices that were used were very tedious and time consuming, compared to how we achieve farming in the United States. I do think that those across the pond would benefit from some bigger machinery and larger animal production facilities.
What was the biggest adjustment you experienced studying abroad?
The biggest adjustment that I experienced while studying abroad was the time change going to and from Europe. I struggled to adjust and pretty much once I was fully adjusted it was almost time to head back home. I do think it is crucial that you try your hardest not to sleep the first day you get there so your body can get use to this huge change.
What are some experiences or activities you participated in while abroad that you would consider highlights of your experience?
Some highlights of my experience were seeing a whole new culture that I didn’t know had so many similarities and differences from my own. I loved getting to tour a parmigiana Reggiano facility, eat 10 courses after seeing what traditional pig farming is all about and getting to make Italian cuisine ourselves. This trip was one that I will never forget and for that I am extremely grateful.
Sydney Hefty (Applied Agricultural Economics; Auburn, IN)
What made you choose to do a Study Abroad? How did you decide on this program over others?
I wanted to study abroad because I had never been to Europe. I wanted to learn about and experience the culture. I chose the Taste of Italy program because I was put on by the Ag Econ department, so it had a partial focus on Ag Economics.
How did you prepare for this experience?
I did research on Italy and Italian culture. I also reached out to those who previously went on the trip and asked for advice. I also used online tourist/Travel guides to help!
What is something that surprised you?
I was surprised at what it meant to have an old traditional culture. While the United States has regional cultures, you could really feel the heritage and see the history everywhere in Italy.
What was the biggest adjustment you experienced studying abroad?
The biggest adjustment I felt was the language barrier. While I never felt unsafe, I sometimes felt severely confused and disoriented when trying to communicate with a native to get directions, recommendations, etc. Everyone I met was very nice, it was just a strong barrier.
How have you grown personally and professionally through this experience?
I have increased my communication, creativity, and responsibility. While I consider myself highly in these three topics prior to the trip, I grew in all of them through the experiences and events that take place during the trip. For example, I and two peers went to get lunch during free time, and we had to navigate the city using a paper map. On top of that is was pretty rural so there were few English speakers. But I ate the best pesto penne pasta of my life in that little town.
When not in class, were you able to travel/explore the area you were located?
Yes! Our whole trip was a mix of educational tours, self-guided exploring, and of course amazing food.
What are some experiences or activities you participated in while abroad that you would consider highlights of your experience?
I got to visit the Vatican in Rome and experience firsthand the rich catholic heritage that resides there. I also really enjoyed visiting the small gelato shops and visiting with the owners when I could about their shops’ history.
Anything else you would like to include?
I am officially a firm believer in that everyone should experience a study abroad at some point. There are so many resources on campus that everyone could have the opportunity to attend! It changed the way I view international agriculture.

Brooke Lueking (Agrimarketing; Sullivan, IN)
What made you choose to do a Study Abroad? How did you decide on this program over others?
I’ve always wanted to travel to Europe, and the “Food and Agriculture in Italy” trip seemed super exciting! I absolutely love cooking as well as history and experiencing new things, so this trip was right up my alley. The timing of the trip (thirteen days as a maymester) was also perfect, as it allowed me to get back with plenty of time to start my summer internship!
What campus did you study at? What made you choose that specific program?
I studied in Italy on the two-week “Food and Agriculture in Italy” Maymester Trip!
How did you prepare for this experience?
I prepared for this trip by first completing the coursework that provided a solid foundation and background for many of the locations we visited. Additionally, I spent lots of time on my own researching what to pack, basic Italian phrases, and other helpful tips for traveling to Italy.
What is something that surprised you?
Something that surprised me about studying abroad in Italy was how rich and complex their culture is. From spending at least two hours enjoying a meal to learning about Italy’s rich history and seeing buildings that were hundreds of years old, I really appreciated the opportunity to learn how life in Italy differs from the United States and how their culture impacts the daily lives of those who live there. For example, instead of grabbing Starbucks to-go on their way to work, Italians take time to enjoy a cappuccino or espresso at a small cafe instead- to-go coffee or iced coffee was not even an option in Italy!
What was the biggest adjustment you experienced studying abroad?
As soon as we arrived in Italy, it was shocking once I realized that I did not speak any Italian! It was challenging at first to read signs and adjust to the different culture. However, as I became more accustomed to being in Italy and realized that many Italians speak English as well, this became much more normal. I got very used to saying basic words (yes, no, thank you, good morning, etc.) that it became second nature! Also, the fact that they don’t use ice in their drinks and the fact that you have to specify if you want “sparkling” or “still” water was crazy to get used to at first!
How have you grown personally and professionally through this experience?
This experience allowed me to grow a deep appreciation for Italian culture as well as learn how much I love to travel and try new things. Experiencing a new country definitely opened my eyes and allowed me to grow on a personal level, and after this experience I would love the opportunity to travel to Europe again!
When not in class, were you able to travel/explore the area you were located?
Yes! We had the opportunity to explore several cities on our own. It was a great opportunity to practice our Italian while ordering on our own at restaurants, and I really enjoyed being able to visit several places with my friends and explore at our own pace. Our amazing tour guide, Valentina, provided us with great recommendations for our free time as well.
What are some experiences or activities you participated in while abroad that you would consider highlights of your experience?
- Florence- Renaissance art, beautiful churches and architecture,
- Liguria Region- Enjoyed focaccia, their regional specialty, and got to see how it was made, as well as spent some time enjoying gelato by the beautiful Mediterranean Sea
- Rome- Italian cooking class, the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, Ancient Roman Forum
- Cuneo and Piedmonte Farm- Toured a farm located near the Alps and enjoyed a thirteen-course lunch that highlighted regional dishes and local ingredients from the farm itself
Anything else you would like to include?
My advice to anyone considering study abroad: do it! Because of COVID, this was one of my first opportunities to study abroad, and after that experience I would love to do it again! As I’m entering my senior year, I would highly recommend studying abroad as early on in your college experience as possible.