A Journey of Discovery and Adventure in New Zealand
Abigail Bothwell, an Agricultural Economics Junior from Denver, CO, spent the Fall 2024 semester studying abroad in New Zealand. She left the U.S. on July 2nd and wrapped up her semester at the University of Canterbury on November 10th. Before heading home for the holidays, she will make stops in Sydney, Laos and Thailand!
While abroad, she lived in a university flat with three other college students and shared a common space and kitchen. Abi found the academic system to be very different from the American system—fewer assignments, larger essays and projects, a different grading system, etc. She shared, “The academic side of things was all about adapting and understanding that it’s all going to work out; it just might not be what I am used to, and that is okay.”
Abi traveled around both the north and south islands of New Zealand. Her favorite spots included Wellington, the New Zealand capital; Queenstown (which reminded her of the mountain towns back home in Colorado); and Mt. Hutt. She really enjoyed skiing in July and August on Mt. Hutt, which was only about a 2-hour drive from campus. Abi also enjoyed her visit to the Cook Islands and learning about the Pacific Māori culture and farming practices from young students. Closer to campus, she loved grabbing food from the riverside market and having picnics at the Christchurch Botanical Gardens.
She found Kiwi agriculture very different from U.S. agriculture. She reported, “They import little of their agriculture, and most of it is grown year-round.” Abi didn’t expect this from such a small country so close to the South Pole. She was also surprised by how conversational and upfront the people of New Zealand are; Abi found them nice and very welcoming.
The semester abroad has encouraged her “travel bug,” and she is now considering an international work experience. Abi stated, “Living in a place for a few months really heightens your understanding of culture and the place where you are visiting, which I believe is super cool. I can’t wait to see the rest of the world, and I am so excited to travel to new countries.”
Abi summarized her experience, “Stepping away from the day-to-day hustle bustle of being at Purdue and into an unfamiliar environment, I grew so much as an individual, found out what matters most to me, matured in so many ways and grew an understanding of the world that I do not think would be close to what it would be if I hadn’t taken the leap and pushed past my comfort zone to travel to another country by myself. I found a home away from home and someplace where I truly blossomed. I was able to travel to so many places and grow a sense of independence, and that was truly amazing! The memories, lessons and friends that I gained from this experience will follow me through all points of my life, and I am so excited to see the outcome when I am back home.”
Here are some of her favorite Kiwi Slang terms
- “Wops”: The middle of nowhere, boonies
- “Tiki tour”: A trip with no destination or driving around for no reason.
- “Sweet as”: Great or fantastic or in agreement with
- “Chur”: General acknowledgment of the other person
- “Scroggin”: Trail mix/ nut medley
- “Yarn”: Friendly chat with mates
- “Far out”: Awesome