Farm Management Tour: July 17, 2024

Learn about innovative farm management strategies, new technologies for improving efficiency and productivity, ways to ensure a successful transition of farm operations to the next generation. Join us at the 91st annual Purdue Farm Management Tour and reception honoring the 2024 Indiana Master Farmers in Randolph County (Winchester), Indiana on Wednesday, July 17th.

Ag Business Climate Outlook for 2017​

January 6, 2017

Recorded January 6, 2017 | Chris Hurt, Michael Langemeier and Jim Mintert discuss the key factors that will impact the agricultural outlook in 2017.

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More Pork in 2017 with Higher Hog Prices?

January 6, 2017

The latest Hogs and Pigs report released on December 23 indicated that pork supplies in 2017 will be larger than pre-report expectations.

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Accelerated Depreciation and Machinery Purchases

December 12, 2016

This article discussed items that need to be considered in addition to tax management strategies when evaluating the decision to purchase machinery and equipment.

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Hog Prices Join Corn and Wheat at Ten-Year Lows

December 6, 2016

What can happen to prices of agricultural commodities in a decade, and why look at the last decade? It is because it was 10 years ago in the fall of 2006 that agricultural commodity prices began to head upward in what can be described as a boom/moderation price cycle.

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2014 Farm Bill Discussion

November 18, 2016

Recorded November 18, 2016 | Purdue agricultural economists Michael Langemeier, Jim Mintert & David Widmar discuss how the 2014 Farm Bill is working with an emphasis on the ARC-County & PLC programs.

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Cattle Prices: More Room for Recovery?

November 6, 2016

The cattle industry has been through numerous shocks including high feed prices and drought in recent years. In trying to discover the right price, markets often have to overshoot and then undershoot as they continue to adjust in the search for the correct price.

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Pork Outlook Turns Sour

October 13, 2016

Hog prices have collapsed to levels far below breakeven. There is worry that there are more hogs headed to market this fall than available packing capacity, and the latest USDA inventory indicates there are more hogs than had been anticipated.

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Impact of Lower Corn Prices on Feeding Cost of Gain and Cattle Finishing Net Returns

October 12, 2016

Both fed cattle and corn prices have dropped significantly during the last year. Specifically, since September 2015 fed cattle prices in Kansas have declined approximately 23 percent (from $137.35 to $106.07 per cwt).

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Explaining Fluctuations in DDG Prices

October 12, 2016

Distiller’s dried grains (DDG) are a co-product of dry-milled ethanol production. U.S. ethanol plants have the capacity to produce more than 15 billion gallons of ethanol and 45 million tons of DDG (Ag MRC).

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An Update on the Farm Safety Net

October 8, 2016

This article examined earnings per acre projections for a case farm in west central Indiana. Under the price and yield combinations or scenarios examined in this paper, annual projected earnings per acre were negative from 2014 to 2018 for the case farm.

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(Part 2) Indiana Farmland Cash Rental Rates 2023 Update, AgCast 142 video podcast thumbnail
(Part 1) Indiana Farmland Values 2023 Update, AgCast 141 video podcast thumbnail
Purdue Indiana Farmland Values & Cash Rental Rates Survey Report, Purdue Agricultural Economics Report: August 2023
2023 Farm Custom Rates for Indiana
Crop Insurance 2023 Decision text with James Mintert and Michael Langemeier's photos in front of a corn field at sunset used as thumbnail image for video of Purdue Commercial AgCast podcast episode

Purdue Farm Management Tour & Indiana Master Farmer Reception 2024

Two outstanding farms in east-central Indiana will host visitors wanting to learn about farm and crop management on July 17th for the Purdue University Farm Management Tour. The Indiana Master Farmer reception and panel discussion will follow.

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