Reducing Soybean Production Costs by Focusing on Planting Date
Purdue Agronomy’s Shaun Casteel and Jim Mintert discuss with Hoosier Ag Today’s Gary Truitt how focusing on early planting can improve soybean yields and reduce soybean farmers cost per bushel in 2016.
Read MoreSpring 2016 Crop Outlook
Recorded April 1, 2016 | A discussion on the revised Crop Outlook in light of new information provided by the USDA’s Prospective Plantings and Grain Stocks reports, both of which were released on March 31, 2016.
Read MoreReducing Soybean Production Costs
Purdue Agronomy’s Shaun Casteel and Jim Mintert discuss with Hoosier Ag Today’s Gary Truitt how using soybean seeding rates based…
Read MoreMaking Your 2016 Crop Insurance Decisions
Recorded March 1, 2016 | A review of the 2016 crop insurance alternatives and provide suggestions with respect to crop insurance selections that farmers should consider using in 2016.
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