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Connecting Soil Health to Economics: A Look at Balancing Farm Goals

Michael Langemeier presented at the Regional Conservation Finance Ag Educator Training in Arlington, WI on September 16, 2024, on connecting soil health to economics and looking at formulating and priortizing farm goals.

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The Economics of Reduced Tillage and Cover Crops: Exploring Aggregated Data

Michael Langemeier presented at the Regional Conservation Finance Ag Educator Training in Arlington, WI on September 16, 2024, on the economics of reduced tillage and cover crops.

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2023 Indiana Farm Custom Rates

The rates reported in this publication were compiled from questionnaires received from farmers, farm owners, farm custom operators, and professional farm managers in Indiana. Purdue Extension Educators distributed the questionnaires at meetings and events statewide during the last month of 2022 and the first three months of 2023. Respondents were asked to report custom rates they had either paid or received during the past year.

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2021 Indiana Farm Custom Rates

The rates reported in this publication were compiled from questionnaires received from farmers, farm owners, farm custom operators, and professional farm managers in Indiana.  Purdue Extension educators and specialists developed the questionnaire.  Purdue Educators distributed the questionnaires at meetings and events statewide during the last month of 2020 and the first three months of 2021. 

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Farmer Adoption of Enhanced Conservation

What are and what drives the adoption of “enhanced conservation practices” on the farm? In this Purdue Commercial AgCast episode, Purdue agricultural economists Allan Gray and Brady Brewer discuss their recent research that examines the adoption practices of enhanced conservation practices.

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2019 Indiana Farm Custom Rates

The rates reported in this publication were compiled from questionnaires received from farmers, farm owners, farm custom operators, and professional farm managers in Indiana.

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2017 Indiana Farm Custom Rates

The rates reported in this publication were compiled from questionnaires received from farmers, farm owners, farm custom operators, and professional farm managers in Indiana.

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