Representing at the 2025 Indiana 4-H State Fair Queen Contest
In early January, the Department of Agricultural Economics had six county 4-H fair queens in the 2025 Indiana 4-H State Fair Queen Contest. The queens represented their home communities and Purdue University: Abigail Fitzmorris (Sales and Marketing, Tippecanoe County), Karlie Lawson (Sales and Marketing, Shelby County), Alexandra Merritt (Sales and Marketing, Miami County), Emily Phillips (Agribusiness, Lawrence County), Kelby Roberts (Agricultural Economics, Rush County), and Tessa Robertson (Agribusiness, White County).
Alexandra Merritt was excited to compete alongside five young ladies from her sorority, Sigma Alpha. She said that swine and home environment have been her favorite projects. Alexandra also shared her motivation to compete: “I decided to run for my county 4-H queen because I love 4-H and what my county fair has given me for so many years. I wanted to give back and represent the program and place I love the most.”
Emily Phillips loved experiencing her county fair from a new perspective as Lawrence County Fair Queen. She stated, “The experience taught me how to be confident, step outside my comfort zone and improve my public speaking and professionalism!”
As a 3rd generation sheep farmer, Tessa Robertson’s favorite project was showing sheep, and her favorite memory as White County 4-H Fair Queen was hosting a Special Olympics cornhole tournament. Tessa remembered, “This was an amazing day because there were over 50 volunteers and even more participants from White, Tippecanoe, Montgomery and Clinton counties.”
As one of the top 16 finalists, Abigail Fitzmorris recalled that “handing out awards and cheering on the kids competing in the kiddie tractor pulls” were some of her best memories from last summer, and “meeting and forming friendships with other girls from all over the state” was the highlight this past January at the State Fair contest! “Through this experience, I grew in my public speaking, interviewing, and networking skills. I will be forever grateful for this experience and getting to represent my county.”
For top 10 finalist Karlie Lawson, the 4-H Fair Queen Contest is a family tradition. Her sister, Katie, represented her home county 10 years ago, and Karlie revealed, “I have always looked up to her for the honorable job she did as queen, which inspired me to run.” She added, “My biggest takeaway was to believe in myself. Although some of it was a little out of my comfort zone, I am so grateful to have been able to participate and push myself to grow in ways I never expected. The girls were all amazing, and we had so much fun making memories that will last a lifetime!”
Kelby Roberts, a 2025 Miss Indiana State Fair Queen’s Court member, summed up this cherished experience with these words: "One of the most incredible aspects of the Miss Indiana State Fair Queen Program is the environment it creates. The opportunity to meet and connect with 83 remarkable young women from across Indiana is something truly special. For me, though, the greatest honor was representing Rush County that weekend—both on and off the stage. When I reflect on that experience, I realize it wasn’t about me; it was about representing my county and the values our community stands for. It’s not every day that one person gets to represent the ~16,000 people in their county, and I was incredibly grateful for that privilege, especially on the Miss Indiana State Fair Queen Program stage. Years from now, what I’ll remember most isn’t just the competition—it’s the pride I felt when I heard "Rush County" called, knowing I was there for the people who mean so much to me.”