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Purdue ag economists Nathan Delay, Nathanael Thompson and James Mintert examine trends in digital ag technology usage by U.S. corn and soybean farms and identify technology usage patterns that have an impact on productivity and efficiency.
Read MorePurdue ag economists, Nate Delay joins Brady Brewer to discuss how farms actually collect, manage, and analyze data during today’s episode on the Purdue Commercial AgCast.
Read MoreThis survey provides a useful glimpse into the farm data lifecycle from collection to action to evaluation. We find that among large commercial corn and soybean operations, data collection is common (92% collect at least one type of farm data) and that collection is strongly related to farm characteristics.
Read MoreTop Farmer 2020 slidedeck presentation by Nathan Delay, Nathanael Thompson, Assistant Professors of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University and James Mintert, Professor of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University. The Center for Commercial Agriculture has been surveying crop farmers regarding their usage of digital ag technology on their farms. Learn what farmers have to say about adoption, usage and benefits of digital ag tech on their farms.
Read More2019 Ag Policy Forum, hosted by the Indiana Soybean Alliance & Indiana Corn Growers Association in Noblesville, Indiana, presentation by James Mintert.
Read MoreIn this era of precision agriculture and big data, farmers are increasingly pressured to adopt a farm data software platform. Companies such as Granular, Farmers Edge and Conservis allow producers to manage and analyze their data.
Read MoreThe complexity of food and agricultural products continues to expand. Not so many years ago, food goods like breakfast cereals came in relatively few forms such as sugar coated or not, chocolate or fruit-flavor, etc. But today, multiple layers have been added such as organic, natural, non-GMO, high-fiber, or locally produced. Being locally grown or organic does not confer any visual difference to a food item.
Read MoreCorn Belt agriculture is in the midst of transitioning from one of the most profitable periods on record to what could be an extended period of tight margins for most corn and soybean operations. Now that the 2015 planting season is drawing to a close, you should take time to reevaluate your farming operation and consider how you can make sure your farm is strategically positioned to be a “best in class” operation in the years ahead. Doing so will help ensure that your farm will thrive, not just survive, in an era of tight operating margins.
Read MoreThe global food and agribusiness industry is in the midst of major changes – changes in product characteristics, in worldwide distribution and consumption, in technology, in size and structure of firms in the industry, and in geographic location of production and processing.
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