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Purdue Farm Management Tour & Indiana Master Farmer Reception 2024

Two outstanding farms in east-central Indiana will host visitors wanting to learn about farm and crop management on July 17th for the Purdue University Farm Management Tour. The Indiana Master Farmer reception and panel discussion will follow.

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Prospects for Swine Feed Costs in 2024

Indiana corn prices have dropped sharply since September. The most recent WASDE report indicates that corn prices could remain low for the foreseeable future. Obviously, lower expected corn prices will translate into lower expected feed costs during the first part of 2024. What trends in feed costs will we see for 2024? And what’s the impact of corn and soybean meal prices on feed costs for farrow-to-finish and swine finishing operations?

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Trend in Breakeven Prices for Cattle Finishing

Fed cattle prices have strengthened the last few months. At the same time, due to lower corn prices, feeding cost of gain has also declined. Partially in response to these two phenomena, feeder prices and breakeven prices have increased substantially.

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Top Farmer Conference 2024

January 5, 2024

A management programs geared specifically for farmers. Surrounded by farm management, farm policy, agricultural finance and marketing experts, and a group of your peers, the conference will stimulate your thinking about agriculture’s future and how you can position your farm to be successful in the years ahead.

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Impact of Lower Corn Prices On Feeding Cost of Gain for Cattle Finishing

Corn prices have declined substantially since the first half of this year. This article examined the impact of higher corn prices on feeding cost of gain for cattle finishing.

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Impact of Lower Corn Prices on Swine Feed Costs

Indiana corn prices during the first quarter of this year were on average approximately $6.60 per bushel. The most recent WASDE report indicates that corn prices could be substantially lower for the upcoming crop.

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Purdue Farm Management Tour & Indiana Master Farmer Reception

Two outstanding farms in south-central Indiana will host visitors wanting to learn about farm and crop management on July 11th for the Purdue University Farm Management Tour. The Indiana Master Farmer reception and panel discussion will follow.

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Social Media Risk Management & Contingency Planning

Farms and agribusinesses are confronted by many different types of risk in today’s market, including social media. In this third episode in the Farm Risk Management podcast series, Purdue University’s Jenna Nees, Renee Wiatt and Ariana Torres join Brady Brewer to discuss social media’s impact on businesses and how to build a contingency plan to protect your farm.

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Cattle Finishing Net Returns Prospects for 2023

This article discussed recent trends in feeding cost of gain, the feeder to fed cattle price ratio, breakeven prices, and cattle finishing net returns. Average cattle finishing losses in 2022 were estimated to be approximately $70 per head.

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Production Risk Management & Contingency Planning

In this second episode of a new series on Farm Risk Management, Jenna Nees, Ed Farris, and Michael Langemeier join Brady Brewer to discuss contingency planning for production risk. Minimizing risk through management practices, reducing production variability, and managing ways to transfer some of the production risk should be reevaluated every year. Implementing diversification, flexibility,…

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