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General Farm Management & Strategy

Ag Outlook: Looking Beyond the 2020 Crop Year

Top Farmer 2020 slidedeck presentation by Chad Hart, Associate Professor of Economics, Iowa State University. Examine the current outlook for corn and soybeans, but also take a longer view of what’s ahead for the U.S. ag economy and the management implications for the next several years.

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Making Your Farm Bill Decision in 2020

Top Farmer 2020 slidedeck presentation by Michael Langemeier and James Mintert, Professors of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University. The 2018 Farm Bill presents producers with several choices to be made by the March 15 sign-up deadline. This session discussed the alternatives and will help you choose between the ARC and PLC programs.

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2020 Ag Outlook

Recorded December 19, 2019 | Michael Langemeier and Jim Mintert provide an overview of key supply and demand drivers for corn and soybeans, examines basis patterns and possible storage returns, provides updated 2020 crop budget projections, and takes a first look at pricing opportunities for the 2020 corn and soybean crops.

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Our Long, Slow, Steady Expansion Should Continue

By Larry DoBoer | That’s a lot of good news. Yet 2019 had its concerns. Real output growth fell back to a disappointing 2 percent, its average during this expansion, after near 3 percent growth in 2018. Recession signals flashed warnings. Manufacturing employment declined. Financial markets were unsettled. The yield curve inverted.

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Trade and trade policy outlook for 2020

By Russell Hillberry | A review on trade as well as a discussion on the President’s efforts to depart from the rules-based international trading system that has come to serve U.S. agriculture so well.

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2020 Outlook: Farm Policy

By Roman Keeney | Farm policy was once again dominated by ongoing trade disputes. Beginning in 2018, increased tariffs and reduced demand for export agriculture have exacerbated financial conditions in the sector and prompted a series of ad hoc transfers to farm operations based on expected damage from the trade war.

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Crop Marketing & Farm Finance Workshops

Choose from 3 Indiana locations in February and March 2020 | Take part in a free workshop focused on helping improve farm profitability in 2020. Each workshop provides farmers an opportunity to improve both their crop marketing and financial management skill sets.

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Incorporating Conservation Practices and Improvements into Cropland Leases?

Most operators are interested in renting ground for a long period of time, so they are also interested in long-run productivity and the soil health of each tract of land that they farm.

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Fall 2019 Crop Outlook: Following USDA’s September Crop Production Report

Recorded September 13, 2019 | Jim Mintert and Michael Langemeier discuss the outlook, market analysis, and marketing considerations for the 2019 crops.

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International Differences in Labor Efficiency and Productivity

Examining the competitiveness of crop production in different regions of the world is often difficult due to lack of comparable data and agreement regarding what needs to be measured.

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