Farm Management Tour: July 17, 2024

Learn about innovative farm management strategies, new technologies for improving efficiency and productivity, ways to ensure a successful transition of farm operations to the next generation. Join us at the 91st annual Purdue Farm Management Tour and reception honoring the 2024 Indiana Master Farmers in Randolph County (Winchester), Indiana on Wednesday, July 17th.

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Managing in Turbulent Times: Positioning to Capture the Upside, Buffer the Downside

Risk dominates the farming sector, and most farmers try to reduce or manage/mitigate the risks they take. Risk is perceived by most to be “bad” – – something to be avoided.

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Risk and Uncertainty

This series of articles will provide an introduction to risk and uncertainty, and discuss tools and strategies that can be used to mitigate risk and uncertainty.

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3 Ways to Manage Risk in Your Farm Business

Most people working in agriculture are in the business of commodity. And in the long run, in a commodity business, there is one absolute key to success. It’s pretty straightforward: be a low-cost producer. It can be difficult to make it happen, but necessary, especially in today’s volatile financial climate.

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Managing Risk in Your Farm Business

Most people working in agriculture are in the business of commodities. And in the long run, in a commodity business, it’s crucial to be a low-cost producer. Here are some practical ways that you can start lowering your costs today.

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Strategies for Success in Turbulent Times: Ten Strategic Initiatives

Farm businesses are facing increasing complexity and uncertainty in today’s turbulent business climate. Farms continue to be family based businesses and are modest size compared too much of the industrial sector, but an increasing number of farms are becoming multi-million dollar gross sales businesses with a sizeable work-force and rapidly increasing financial capital and land resources.

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Alternative Futures for Agriculture: A Scenario Analysis Exercise

The point of scenario analysis is not to predict how the future will unfold, but rather to consider different scenarios that might occur and what the economic environment might look like in these scenarios. Participants then use these situations to consider what strategies their businesses might use were these situations to occur.

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Farm Growth: Venture Analysis and Business Models

Continued consolidation and concentration in the agricultural industries has stimulated numerous discussions and debates about the advantages and disadvantages of large vs. small firms and why the general trend/direction of most structural change in agriculture is to larger scale businesses.

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Is the Current Farm Prosperity Sustainable? What to Watch

Many are asking whether the current prosperity in farming is sustainable. The answer is not obvious, but the following “what to watch” list might provide a useful perspective to answer this question.

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Is This Farm Boom Different?

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Symposium, July 16-17, 2012 – Conference Rapporteur: Is This Farm Boom Different? | This has been a very stimulating and informative symposium. First,I will summarize the key “take-aways” of the presentations from my perspective. Then I will make some additional observations and identify some key uncertainties that are shaping the future of agriculture–“what to watch” in these turbulent times.

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Managing the Risk – Capturing The Opportunity in Crop Farming

Farming has always been a risky business with the returns to reward that risk available for only brief periods of time. The risk in agriculture today, particularly in crop production, is greater than it has been in the past, but there is opportunity to be rewarded for taking that risk.

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