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Hog Prices Join Corn and Wheat at Ten-Year Lows

What can happen to prices of agricultural commodities in a decade, and why look at the last decade? It is because it was 10 years ago in the fall of 2006 that agricultural commodity prices began to head upward in what can be described as a boom/moderation price cycle.

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Cattle Prices: More Room for Recovery?

The cattle industry has been through numerous shocks including high feed prices and drought in recent years. In trying to discover the right price, markets often have to overshoot and then undershoot as they continue to adjust in the search for the correct price.

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Pork Outlook Turns Sour

Hog prices have collapsed to levels far below breakeven. There is worry that there are more hogs headed to market this fall than available packing capacity, and the latest USDA inventory indicates there are more hogs than had been anticipated.

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Impact of Lower Corn Prices on Feeding Cost of Gain and Cattle Finishing Net Returns

Both fed cattle and corn prices have dropped significantly during the last year. Specifically, since September 2015 fed cattle prices in Kansas have declined approximately 23 percent (from $137.35 to $106.07 per cwt).

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Beef and Pork’s Role in Filling the Supply Gap

Producers of beef and pork have generally been discouraged about recent low prices as cash prices have dropped sharply this year. Spring finished cattle price highs were near $138 per live hundredweight, but last week had fallen to $115, a $23 plunge.

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Cattle Markets Can Recover

Recent live cattle futures prices have been extremely depressed, sending signals of much lower cash prices next year. While prices are expected to be lower next year, they may not be as low as suggested by futures.

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Impact of Corn and Soybean Prices on Swine Finishing Feed Cost

This article discussed recent trends in feed costs for a swine finishing enterprise. Feed costs have dropped dramatically since the first quarter of 2014. Feed cost is expected to be slightly below 2015 levels in 2016 and 2017.

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Modest Pork Expansion, But Brexit Casts Shadow

The longer-term economic implications of Brexit may be the most important and could reduce the rate of world economic growth. If Brexit does slow world income growth, that could be negative for global sales of pork and other U.S. agricultural products.​​

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Hog Profits – Battle Between Higher Hog Prices and Higher Feed Prices

Two important factors determining margins this year are the potential for higher pork exports and thus higher hog prices and the potential for higher feed prices. These are tugging at margins in opposite directions.

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Doubling Indiana Pork Production by 2025

In May of 2005, the newly formed Indiana State Department of Agriculture released its first strategic plan titled, Possibilities Unbound: The Plan for 2025. Among seven initiatives outlined, one focused on the opportunity for growth of the state’s pork industry. The report suggested that the size of the Indiana pork industry could double between 2005…

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