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College of Agriculture News

 Aerial view of a combine actively harvesting corn in a large field during harvest season.

Purdue DIAL Ventures issues report on climate-smart agriculture opportunities and challenges

Charles Hinkles Portrait

Seeing the Century: A Life in Agricultural Engineering

Charles Hinkles Portrait

Seeing the Century: A Life in Agricultural Engineering

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Undergraduate Student Spotlight: Sophia Bollenbacher

Sophia Bollenbacher, a junior studying animal sciences, grew up on Bolle-Acres Jersey Farm in Argos, Indiana, where she developed a passion for...

A resilient agricultural systems infographic depicting limited disturbance of soils, inclusion of cover crops and preservation of biodiversity.

Purdue University to host inaugural Resilient Agriculture Summit

Whether it’s called sustainable, regenerative or resilient agriculture, farmers across Indiana are exploring how to be effective stewards of...

Purdue Digital Forestry Students

Purdue digital forestry students win first prize in 2024 Annual GeoChallenge

A team of digital forestry graduate students from Purdue University won first prize in the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote...

Woman shopping at grocery store

Consumer stress over grocery prices stands at midpoint

Stress levels due to grocery prices are mixed, and most consumers are at least somewhat familiar with the concept of tariffs, according to the...

Sujith Puthiyaveetil and Steve McKenzie look at a plant thylakoid in a lab at the biochemistry building at Purdue University. (Purdue Agricultural Communications/Joshua Clark)

Purdue biochemists discover self-repair function in key photosynthetic protein complex

Cyanobacteria began contributing oxygen to Earth’s mostly noxious atmosphere more than 2 billion years ago. The photosystem II protein...

Sujoung Shim in lab

Behind the Research: Sujoung Shim

Many people are involved in the remarkable range of programs, services and facilities that undergird research in the College of Agriculture....

dr heinsohn with award recipients

Dr. Kathy Heinsohn Receives 2024 John Osmun Award

On January 31, 2025, Dr. Kathy Heinsohn received the 2024 John V. Osmun Alumni Professional Achievement Award in Entomology!

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