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cash rent

Trends in Land Prices, Cash Rents, and Price to Rent Ratios for Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana

Farmland prices declined over much of the Corn Belt region during the last couple of years. However, farmland prices remain substantially above historical prices. For example, despite having dropped approximately 12% since 2014, average farmland prices in Indiana are still approximately six times what they were in 1990 and approximately double what they were in…

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2016 Indiana Farmland Values and Cash Rents Continue Downward Adjustments

The collapse in grain prices and the impact of tighter gross margins are working their way through the agricultural economy.

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Long-Term Cash Rent Decisions Using A Cash Rent Decision Tool​

Recorded December 18, 2015 | A demonstration of use of a cash rent spreadsheet tool to calculate breakeven cash rents, compare the breakeven cash rent to local market rents, compute the market rate premium (if any) above the breakeven rate and the impact paying premiums could have on a farm’s liquidity over the course of the next five years.

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Becoming a “Best in Class” Farm

Corn Belt agriculture is in the midst of transitioning from one of the most profitable periods on record to what could be an extended period of tight margins for most corn and soybean operations. Now that the 2015 planting season is drawing to a close, you should take time to reevaluate your farming operation and consider how you can make sure your farm is strategically positioned to be a “best in class” operation in the years ahead. Doing so will help ensure that your farm will thrive, not just survive, in an era of tight operating margins.

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Where Are Indiana Farmland Values Headed?

Recorded August 7, 2015 | Results from the June 2015 Purdue Farmland Values Survey including average farmland and cash rental value estimates for the state of Indiana and key cropping regions within the state.

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The Bears Control the 2015 Indiana Farmland Market

Last year at this time there were signals that the boom propelling crop agriculture upward for ten years was running out of gas. Since then, the continued low grain prices have begun to influence things other than net farm income. Purchases of machinery, buildings, farmland, and other capital items have declined. There has also been…

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Evaluating Your Farmland Rental “Options”

Gross revenues for most Indiana corn and soybean farms reached unprecedented levels during 2006 through 2013, but declined sharply in 2014 and 2015. The revenue decline, which will be exacerbated on many Indiana farms by yield reductions caused by this spring and summer’s excessive rainfall, is putting tremendous pressure on operating margins.

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Farmland Property Tax Assessments: Indiana General Assembly Slows the Explosive Growth, For Now

Senate Enrolled Act 436 passed the General Assembly on the last day of the session, April 29, 2015. The vote was unanimous in both houses. The bill was signed by the Governor as Public Law 249 on May 6.

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What is in Store for the Agricultural Land Market?

This article briefly discusses key factors driving potential changes in farm land values. These factors include cash rent, long-term interest rate on U.S. Treasuries, inflation, risk premium for the farming sector, and the growth rate of cash rent.

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A Time of Change? Indiana’s Farmland Market in 2014

The boom that has characterized crop agriculture for the past several years seems to be waning. Prospects for above normal yields and growing stocks have resulted in a downward trend in grain and soybean prices.

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