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land prices & value

Trends in Land Price, Cash Rents, and Price to Rent Ratios for Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana

Farmland prices and cash rents have fallen in Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana in the last couple of years. However, our analysis indicates that the farmland price per acre divided by cash rent per acre, and farmland price per acre divided by average cash rent for the previous five years, continue to be substantially higher than historical values.

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​Long-Term Outlook for U.S. Ag. Economy

Recorded October 30, 2015 | Discussion focuses on the macroeconomic outlook and expected impacts on exchange rates and interest rates, a review of factors driving change in the crop sector including shifts in supplies taking place, and a review of expected returns for corn and soybeans and prospects for farmland prices in the the Midwest.

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Where Are Indiana Farmland Values Headed?

Recorded August 7, 2015 | Results from the June 2015 Purdue Farmland Values Survey including average farmland and cash rental value estimates for the state of Indiana and key cropping regions within the state.

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What is in Store for the Agricultural Land Market?

This article briefly discusses key factors driving potential changes in farm land values. These factors include cash rent, long-term interest rate on U.S. Treasuries, inflation, risk premium for the farming sector, and the growth rate of cash rent.

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Farmland: Is it Currently Priced as an Attractive Investment?

Farmland comprises the vast majority of farmers’ asset base and personal wealth; USDA balance sheet data indicate that farmland accounts for approximately 85% of the value of the total assets in production agriculture (USDA-ERS). This percentage has been increasing during the past decade in large part because of the dramatic increase in farmland prices.

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Farmland Price to Earnings Ratios for Indiana

This paper explores trends in farmland values, cash rents, interest rates, the farmland price to cash rent (P/Rent) multiple, and the price to earnings (P/E) ratio on stocks. The P/Rent multiple averaged 17.6 from 1960 to 2012 and ranged from 11.1 in 1986 to 29.5 in 2012.

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Agricultural Price and Land Values: Insights from Participants in the “Financial Health of Farming and Land Values” Conference

Several agricultural economists associated with CCA have recently sought to address questions surrounding farmland values and related investment decisions. Soaring Corn Belt farmland values have also been on the minds of farmers, agricultural industry professionals and investors.

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Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers’ Assessment of Indiana’s Farmland Market

Even with a severe drought during the summer of 2012, the Indiana land market continues to move higher. The February 2013 issue of the AgLetter, a Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago newsletter, indicated that farmland values in the Seventh District (Iowa, and parts of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin) increased 16% from January 1, 2012 to January 1, 2013.

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Farmland Values – Will the Boom Turn Bust Presentation

Top Producer Seminar presentation by Dr. Brent Gloy.

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Is the Current Farm Prosperity Sustainable? What to Watch

Many are asking whether the current prosperity in farming is sustainable. The answer is not obvious, but the following “what to watch” list might provide a useful perspective to answer this question.

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