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cash rent
There are several key factors driving potential changes in farm land values. These factors include cash rent, working capital, supply of land, interest rates, inflation, and investment potential of farmland compared to other investments such as the stock market, corporate bonds, or similar assets. Let’s take a look at these factors in two groups.
Read MorePurdue agricultural economists Brady Brewer and Todd Kuethe discuss the farmland market during today’s episode. With the COVID-19 pandemic and the unprecedented year 2020 is presenting, Todd talks about what has been happening in farmland pricing, sales, policy, and interest rates.
Read MoreBy Craig Dobbins & Todd Kuethe | Since the significant decline in ethanol production growth and a downward adjustment in cash rents from 2014 to 2016, Indiana’s cash rent market has remained fairly stable (2016 to 2019) across all three farmland qualities, as shown in the following figure. While cash rents have been fairly stable, variations in other items have provided producers continued challenges.
Read MoreBy Michael Langemeier & Craig Dobbins | The 2020 Purdue Crop Cost and Return Guide gives estimated costs for planting, growing and harvesting a variety of crops, as well as estimated contribution margins and earnings. Margins will be tight again in 2020, increasing the importance of carefully scrutinizing input and crop decisions.
Read MoreA series of leasing articles that discuss cash rents and land values: Leasing Principles for Cropland, Providing Reports for Crop Landowners, Flexible Cash Rent Leases, Incorporating Conservation Practices & Improvements into Cropland Leases?, Should I Use an Annual or Multi-Year Cropland Lease?
Read MoreRecorded August 21, 2019 | The panelists provided updated farmland value and cash rent information from the 2019 Purdue Land Value Survey.
Read MoreEstimates for the current rental value of pastureland, hay ground, irrigated land, and on-farm grain storage in Indiana are often difficult to locate.
Read MoreTrend graphs and selected comments from 2019 Purdue Land Value Survey respondents.
Read MoreAfter many unexpected events during the first half of the year, I’m hoping for something more normal during the second half of 2019. Who would have thought corn and soybean planting would extend into late June?
Read MoreLast year at this time, many forecasters indicated the worst of the margin pressure appeared to be behind production agriculture. Farmers had achieved some success in lowering per unit cost of production.
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